Summer Announcements
by Grace Paullin
Welcome to the Summer, readers. Since our last edition much has happened. Some of us graduated (among those being this very writer), another portion packed up for a much-needed summer break, and perhaps some even readied themselves for a round of summer courses. It is the summer after all, so announcements are light, but be sure that the return of fall means an equal reform to eventfulness. For final mention is something near and dear to my heart, Pride.
Although not universal, the past month of June is the month of LGBTQIA+ Pride for more than a few countries, including the United States. Reflecting the belated nature of this statement, Queer Pride does should exist outside of the sixth month’s orbit. Queer people have existed everywhere, always, regardless of visibility. Given the East Asian focus of Monsoon, it would be easy to focus on the less-than-stellar repertoire of LGBTQIA+ rights in the region. If I did that, it would be spitting in the face of the term Pride itself. So instead, the resiliency of the Asian Queer community is to be lauded.
They face daily persecution by the forces around them and still gather for parade, develop mutual aid, and—most importantly— learn to love each other for who they are, not who they are expected to be. Transgender Chinese superstar Jin Xing is a fixture of modern China, even while the state remains unwilling to provide equal rights to people like her. Even historically, the Middle Kingdom is awash with Queer figures. The tragic love of Dong Xian and Emperor Ai from the late first century BCE remains one of the most well-known tales from Chinese Imperial history, and they happened to both be men.
Dear readers, go out. Go out and celebrate Pride together with your Queer friends, family, and close ones. Show supports no matter who and where you are, as in the end, Queer Rights are human rights, and we are all humans. To readers in the community—my brothers, sisters, and non-binary siblings— Happy Pride. Finally, on the off chance that Queer folk in the East find their way to this message, your time for uncapped Pride will come in due time. Find community, find love, and true Pride will thus flow beautifully.
Happy Pride, readers. Stay safe out there.
For those with a few extra dollars in their pocket, there will be a link to The Trevor Project. The Project provides services for at-risk LGBTQIA+ youth across the country, and every penny counts.
I would be amiss if I did not provide hotlines for Queer people in distress as well, do not refrain from using these recourses if you are in need.
988- National Suicide Hotline
Welcome Letter
By Grace Paullin
Hello Bobcat Readers, hope all has been well this last month and to those who celebrate the Lunar New Year, happy year of the Dragon! This month is business as usual with our English Corner being held at the times listed below in Room 347 of Baker Center, be sure to bring a friend and questions for our speakers!
Second on the agenda is the continuing support for “Project: Bring Weekend Transportation to O.U.” The backing from the campus has been inspiring, but the more the better. For those who have not already filled out the survey, please give just a few seconds of your time on the newsletter’s website: “” If you have not heard of Project, it is our effort to provide completely free transpiration on the weekends to the community. Sadly, our local Athens Public Transit (APT) does not provide their services on the weekend and we here at Monsoon find it imperative that we extend the basic needs of transportation to Ohio University to the rest of the week. Your voice matters, filling out the previously mentioned survey helps us gather useful information for the operation of the future service.

Finally for this month is your thoughts, dear reader. Seeing as the newsletter is focused on East Asian subject matter, we are looking for event suggestions that are East Asia themed. Organizational collaborations are also on the table in this dialogue. Please email us any ideas. We look forward to reading your recommendations.